Sunday, November 23, 2008

NY Times on Citigroup

Excellent article about the Citigroup mess, including the role played by Robert Rubin. A sample:

The bank’s downfall was years in the making and involved many in its hierarchy, particularly [CEO] Mr. [Charles O.] Prince and Robert E. Rubin, an influential director and senior adviser.

Citigroup insiders and analysts say that Mr. Prince and Mr. Rubin played pivotal roles in the bank’s current woes, by drafting and blessing a strategy that involved taking greater trading risks to expand its business and reap higher profits. Mr. Prince and Mr. Rubin both declined to comment for this article.

When he was Treasury secretary during the Clinton administration, Mr. Rubin helped loosen Depression-era banking regulations that made the creation of Citigroup possible by allowing banks to expand far beyond their traditional role as lenders and permitting them to profit from a variety of financial activities. During the same period he helped beat back tighter oversight of exotic financial products, a development he had previously said he was helpless to prevent.

As y'all know, Robert Rubin is an economic adviser on the Obama transition team. More change we can believe in!

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