Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Question...

Glenn Greenwald over at Salon asks:

Is there any other significant issue in American political life, besides Israel, where (a) citizens split almost evenly in their views, yet (b) the leaders of both parties adopt identical lockstep positions which leave half of the citizenry with no real voice? More notably still, is there any other position, besides Israel, where (a) a party's voters overwhelmingly embrace one position (Israel should not have attacked Gaza) but (b) that party's leadership unanimously embraces the exact opposite position (Israel was absolutely right to attack Gaza and the U.S. must support Israel unequivocally)? Does that happen with any other issue?

I know where he's coming from, but actually, there is (or was). Back in November 2006, before the global economy tanked and Americans cared about other things, the Democrats in congress were swept into power with a pretty clear mandate to end the war in Iraq. Certainly a large percentage of Democrats felt that way, as did a good number of independents, and even a few Republicans. What did the Democrats do with this mandate? Absolutely nothing. The Democratic leadership has no spine, which is why they are also a bunch of fargin bastages!

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