Sunday, October 12, 2008

Al Franken Spanks Norm Coleman!

Here's a cool Al Franken ad, where he does a pretty great job of shaming Norm Coleman!

The script:

Announcer: Paul Wellstone used to run alongside his son, David, when David was running cross country races. Listen to Al Franken tell the story.

Al Franken (from speech at Wellstone Center): And David said, "Yeah, but get this. My dad made me run cross country. And this is like a two-and-a-half- three-mile race every time. And my dad would run alongside me on the edge of the course, off the edge of the course. And I'd get to the last quarter mile, and I'd be behind by, you know, ten or fifteen yards, and I'd be totally out of gas. My dad would see it. And my dad running alongside would start yelling, 'You can take this guy! You can take him. You can take this guy! You can take him. You can take this guy."

Announcer: Look familiar? That's right. Ads for Norm Coleman use this footage of Al Franken telling this story about Paul Wellstone and his son and try to make is seem like he was angry. Minnesota deserves better.

Al Franken: I'm Al Franken and I approve this message.

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