Monday, October 20, 2008

What the crazies are saying...

A collection of comments, collected by Wonkette, from right-wing cesspool website regarding Powell's endorsement of Obama:

* I’m not surprised that Powell has endorsed a Chicago street thug over a real American hero either. “How ‘bout some ‘blow’ General? Then we’ll go help ACORN register some more ‘voters’.”
* This is why you don’t let traitors in your midst. They are capable of doing far more harm than good.
* Clown Powell showed us his true colors with his endorsement of this communist weasel. He just spit in the face of the military he supposedly cares about.
* It’s all about Powell’s racism and everyone knows it
* Well, there goes the Muslim vote!
* Possibly less about Colin’s leanings than his wife’s. He’s always struck me as someone without bearing.
* Oh please….he’s black and he is endorsing one of his brothers…just too obvious. It’s not hard for the everyday American to understand.
* Planet of the APes mentality..”Monkey supports monkey”..
* Before this election, I treated blacks as individuals. I was wrong. They are a clan.
* Is it ok still to say “white sheet?”
* The McCain campaign should take Powell’s $2,300 campaign contribution and throw it out on a busy street. Watch the hounds jump all over the bills and take that “welfare money”.
* Look, it’s Powell Diddy!
* I just saw the video. Somebody should toll Powell that yes, it IS a problem if a Moslem becomes President. The Constitution is not a suicide pact!
* “blacks are the most racist group of people in the USA.” And the most ungrateful.
* I wrote this on Malkiin’s site: The Presidential Tyranny of Obama, these coming years, will hit all hard, and tragically. None will be spared, none will thrive. But of those hurt the most, it will be urban blacks (and hispanics to an extent). Among them there is no real sense of community, they will fight each other most viciously, the murder rate — already high — will skyrocket as groups fight for dominance. That is speculation on my part — and not an outcome I wish! I pray to G-d we will elect McCain.
* As a white blues guitarist here in NY City I too have seen reversed racism.

1 comment:

susan said...

This is so disturbing.