Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell Endorses Obama

And spanks John McCain in a very polite way.

We at Fargin Bastages has never been fans of Powell. He has been a political tool since his time in Vietnam, when he was tasked with investigating a letter, written by an American GI, detailing American military abuses against Vietnamese civilians. His conclusion was, "[I]n direct refutation of this portrayal is the fact that relations between Americal soldiers and the Vietnamese people are excellent." This is around the same time is My Lai. As Casper Weinberger's senior military aide, he was up to his neck in Iran Contra, and lied to Congress about what he knew. As chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, he played a leading role in derailing Clinton's effort to allow homosexuals to serve openly in US military, which resulted in the moronic Don't Ask Don't Tell policy "compromise." As Bush's Secretary of State he laid out the case for the Iraq war at the UN, using intelligence he either knew of should have known was inflated or outright lies.

That said, Powell's endorsement of Obama on Meet the Press today was fantastic. He very cogently made his case for Obama, while at the same time calling out McCain on his petty and divisive campaign.

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