Sunday, October 12, 2008

Biden not so nice?

From Counterpunch:

Biden is the guy who pretty much singlehandedly, on behalf of MBNA -- the largest employer in Delaware, also the largest independent credit card company in the world, major contributor to Biden and sometime employer of Biden's son -- swung the Democrats in the Senate behind the credit card bill in 2005 which makes it impossible for Americans to go bankrupt and get clear of their debts. Think how many people are going to go bankrupt in the years ahead. As Eric Nguyen points out in an Friday NYT op ed:

Lenders have been foreclosing on about 250,000 homes every month this year — one every 10 seconds. And among the hardest-hit Americans have been families with school-age children. Many of those families file for bankruptcy; indeed, nearly two-thirds of those trying to save their homes in bankruptcy have young children. Yet our laws make it especially difficult for families to keep their homes.

Thank you, Joe Biden. Of that bankruptcy bill Biden said in the debate, "I though the glass was half full; Obama thought it was half empty." And then of course Obama voted against establishing interest rate caps and said of the bailout that it should NOT include bankruptcy reform.

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